B&H has long been a country trapped by corruption!

Individuals, or better to say political parties, have covered the whole system and run it in the manner of organized crime

Korajlić: It is necessary to adopt new anti-corruption laws. Archive

Piše: E. Halimić

Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state has long been taken over by corruption and we have been for long period of time classified amongst captive states, said Ivana Korajlić, executive director of Transparency International B&H, in an interview for Avaz.

Better laws

We are classified amongst countries where all decision-making processes, laws and absolutely all processes take place on the basis of corruption, that is the interests of individuals who have actually captured both institutions and the state. World research ranks B&H among the countries that have declined in recent years. Ten or more years ago, we had even better legislation than it is today - Korajlić explained. 

She added that all processes in the society are conditioned by corruption, from nominations to the distribution of public funds. 

Individuals, or better to say political parties, have covered the whole system and run it in the manner of organized crime. We cannot hope for progress as long as we have this situation and not until we show that we are ready to solve this problem. The Report of the European Commission and 14 priorities also speaks about that, where all priorities, more or less, refer to the rule of law and the fight against corruption - Korajlić emphasized.

According to her, the adoption of new anti-corruption laws is necessary, but the process has been delayed and obstructed for years. 

False promises

- Individuals in power are trying to falsely present that they are doing something about this issue, they promise the European Union,and they in fact are blocking the adoption of the law. They are also trying to destroy those mechanisms that we have had so far, at least on paper. Those institutions that are supposed to fight against corruption have actually bitten into corruption and have become interest groups that function in a corrupt way. This was also pointed out by the OSCE in its latest report - Korajlić pointed out.

She added that in B&H we have complete resistance to reforms in all sectors, including the judiciary, in order to introduce accountability mechanisms.

- Behind everything is money and power, these are the most common motivators of corruption. The need for power is the second most common motivator, because power gives control over the system, and it is known that when that is lost, then responsibility for the acts committed follows - Korajlić emphasized.

Financial conditioning

 - The international community can help, the pressure is being exerted and it is becoming more direct. But the only way to achieve something is financial conditioning. As long as money is still given, it will be understood by the leaders in B&H as a message that they can still do what they want because they do not suffer any consequences. On the other hand, leaders have no interest in European integration and in implementing reforms. So, the only way is financial conditioning - Korajlić thinks.