Špago: We are counting on the pro-Bosnian bloc in the City Council to have 18 hands

The "Coalition for Mostar" has a secure 12 seats

The "Coalition for Mostar" has a secure 12 seats. M. Smajkić

M. Smajkić

According to current, incomplete and unofficial data, after the local elections in Mostar, and based on more than 90 percent of the counted ballots, the "Coalition for Mostar 2020" consisting of SDA, SBB, DF, SB&H and BPS has a secure 12 seats in the Mostar City Council, which consists of 35 councilors. 

"BH bloc", that is, SDP and Naša stranka, for now, have five mandates.

HDZ B&H has 13 seats, HRS three, and one belongs to the list of SNSD and SDS.

Šerif Špago, the Coalition's coordinator, told us that these five political entities had achieved their goal, which was, among other things, to make a great contribution so that, in the end, the pro-Bosnian bloc would have the necessary majority in the Mostar City Council.

-Currently, the only thing we are not sure about is that "Bh. block "in the City Area West will have a councilor, but there will, in fact, be decided by votes from the diaspora and I have no doubt that this list will get the required number of votes to "Bh. bloc” have its own councilor.

So, the "Coalition for Mostar", in that pro-Bosnian part of the councilors, has two thirds and we are satisfied with that result. Of course, in some parts it could have been better, but having in mind the overall epidemiological situation, the problems in the work of Covid teams, we are satisfied with the achieved result. Now we have to wait for these results to be published, that is, for the votes from the diaspora to come - Špago told us.

Špago confirmed to us that, if the "Bh.bloc" wins a mandate in the West City Area, practically, the pro-Bosnian bloc will have 18 councilors in the Mostar City Council.

Špago: Satisfied with the result. M. Smajkić

He also referred to the accusations from the HNS and HDZ B&H about election engineering before and after the election process.

- Anyone who knows the legal procedures related to voter registration, knows that the voter list was concluded on November 5th. We saw that in their statements they mentioned the transfer of people, just a few days before the elections, from one city area to another, and I would not comment on that, because no voter could change his address without first following the legal procedure. In the end, there are competent bodies, and there is also the CEC, which is responsible for those things - said Špago.

He pointed out that now everyone should dedicate themselves to the completion of the election process, determining and confirming the election results, in order to start the procedure of forming the City Council and electing the mayor as soon as possible.

Asked whether there would be blockades in that regard, Špago emphasized that he thought that no political entity had the right, after eight years of the blockade of Mostar, to condition the implementation of election results with new blockades.

- We should wait for the final results, and I would like to remind you that in the pre-election period, everyone promised that Mostar should establish a legislative power as soon as possible and elect a mayor and start solving the accumulated problems. Instead of blockades, citizens certainly expect accelerated work of all government structures, from the City Council to the new mayor, and especially better quality work and construction of the City Administration of Mostar - said Špago.