The SDA's frantic fight to save Debevec and Osmica!

The President of the Court and the first state spy failed in the plan of a ‘random’ meeting in the building and running away from restaurants and cafes where everything is full of spies and journalists with smartphones, writes Mostar's Dnevni list

Dnevni list

Debevec, Izetbegović and Mehmedagić. Archive

There is probably no state, not even a "banana state", in the world in which so many heads flew to the Chief State Prosecutors and the main spy flags as in the morally and institutionally disfigured B&H, writes Dnevni list.

It is therefore no wonder that for almost 25 years we have been stylistically nurturing and living terrible crime and corruption and nepotism. Marinko Jurčević, Milorad Barašin and Goran Salihović picked up their rags for well-known or mysterious reasons and left their overwhelming duties.

Espionage and traps

The late Barašin stumbled upon a trap, he was filmed in pizzeria in Sarajevo with arms smugglers . Then Minister of Defense, the controversial Selmo Cikotić, was also in the company. Then the Chief Prosecutor was "done" by the "service" by breaking into the apartment where he was staying and there was no rescue.

In general, the discovery with Barašin, Cikotić and Tešić resulted in the forced resignations of the prosecutor and the minister, while the notorious smuggler disappeared in an unknown direction, where he is probably still located.

Barašin and Cikotić's association with persons prone to illegal arms trafficking was filmed by police agencies in charge of monitoring and stalking thieves. Last year, the former president of the HJPC, Milan Tegeltija, was filmed in a trap, allegedly assembling a corrupt deal with a planted "whistleblower", an entrepreneur from Krajina. Later, the "bug" was set up in a conversation with the holder of the judicial office.

The case of the ‘babine’

These days, the public is occupied with the famous "babine", for those who do not know it is a traditional tour and gifting of a newborn and a happy family, a few days after the child comes into this world.

Thus, in a Sarajevo house, as if by chance and on the way to the "babine", the head of ISA Osman Mehmedagić Osmica and the president of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec met. The public is not naive, when one bitten by snakes is afraid of the lizzard. This time, it did not swallow cheap tricks with "babine" at a mutual friend, it is stated in the text of "Dnevni list".

The President of the Court and the first state spy failed in his plan of a ‘random’ meeting in the building and running away from restaurants and cafes where everything is full with spies and journalists with smartphones.

Facsimile of the text in today's print edition of Dnevni list. Printscreen

The lewd meeting took place in the context of the recent ruling of the Court of B&H on several indictments against "Osmica", and that is where all credibility and all alibis about the alleged coincidence fall.

After all, a case was immediately "formed" against Debevec before the competent investigative institutions. Some go so far in drawing parallels with some earlier compromising close encounters like that of Barašin and Cikotić with the smugglers that they demand the unconditional withdrawal and sanctioning of President Debevec because he met with his "client", who has confirmed indictment.

It also warns of the controversial concealment of dual citizenship and even another name. However, the days at the beginning of the year will be marked as a convulsive fight between the SDA and Bakir Izetbegović to save two loyal and crucial people, Osman Mehmedagić and Ranko Debevec.

Haunted positions

As if haunted positions: all the chief prosecutors and chiefs of the ISA had to resign before their terms expired! On the other hand, it has been shown so far that the directors of SIPA still saved face and ended their mandates without affairs or scandals, even though there were attempts to mount Mirko Lujić for a small amount which he appropriated for separate life. Goran Zubac was sentenced to one year, but not for crime or corruption, but for refusing to send special forces to the Presidency building during those well-known protests. Chief prosecutors and ISA chiefs did not resist the challenge of “sin” and resigned…

Sarajevo analysts believe Osman Mehmedagić's primary problem is the surrounding he comes from, both politically and privately.

His predecessors as heads of intelligence and security services (RDA and FISS) Bakir Alispahić, Munir Alibabić, Kemal Ademović ingloriously ended their mandates under the burden of the most difficult mortgages and scandals. Like Osmica, they filled the columns of Sarajevo newspapers, especially political tabloids.

Mehmedagić, again, unlike his predecessors, is linked to the criminal underworld through his wife, a former folk singer, who was "hit by the law" because of her propensity to consume narcotics.

All this was known to Izetbegović when he decided to appoint Mehmedagić as the head of the ISA. Few people on the mattress today are surprised by Izetbegović's decisions to position Asim Sarajlić as the "second man" of the party or Mehmedagić as the "third man".

Does Osmica still have a ‘blessing’?

He has already started paying "fat" guilds for such decisions, and such people will probably vause his downfall. However, the behavior of American diplomats in B&H is doubtful because, as it is a common opinion, it was the Americans who gave their consent for the appointment of Mehmedagić as the head of the ISA.

Once upon a time, it was written that the Americans ultimately asked Alija Izetbegović to remove Alispahić from the position of RDA director, due to the "Pogorelica" affair, while the late High Representative Paddy Ashadown removed Alibabić from the position of FISS director.

Mehmedagić and Izetbegović had to convince the Americans that the ISA would sincerely fight terrorism with all its potential. And it was probably crucial that the Americans name his appointment.

Whether Osmica still has an American blessing or was released down the water will be known in this new year. However, it is a pity that so many leading people in the main levers of the rule of law and law enforcement officers so shamelessly tarnish the reputation of the state and end up in the dump as ex-servants of the masterminds, immoral and immature. J.S.
