Radončić: My biography is respected even by great dissenters

That is why many years of hard journalistic, construction and political work and results that are respected even by my angry ideological opponents, cannot be erased by the forgers of their own diplomas

Fahrudin Radončić. Avaz

H. J. I.

Fahrudin Radončić, president of the Alliance for a Better Future (SBB), posted on his Facebook profile.

You can read his full status below.

Today, my associates sent me a video clip from the show "Ćirilica" by one of the most famous journalists in Serbia, Milomir Marić.

It is really unusual that my pre-war professional biography is respected even by my decades-old dissidenters from Belgrade.

This can be seen from Marić's enumeration of my pre-war functions and high journalistic rating (although I was not "the president of the Youth of Montenegro", but a member of the Presidency).

However, even though they know everything like the controversial Marić, the propaganda and intelligence centers of the ruling dynasty have been trying for years to publish, without false modesty, a powerful biography - not to mention what it means, for example, the founding of the largest media concern in B&H "Avaz" (in October 1991. in Sarajevo) or the post-war construction of architectural works that adorn our country and region - with stupid insults of the worst kind, to turn into something they are essentially themselves - persons without any personal professional biography or worse, biographies full of illegality, confusion and radicalism.

That is why many years of hard journalistic, construction and political work and results that are respected even by my angry ideological opponents, cannot be erased by the forgers of their own diplomas, their obscure commanders and silver-loving media executors.