Dodik apologized to Prutina-Bjelica: I did not want to violate her dignity

Dodik said that he apologized to the "person in question" (Vanja Bjelica-Prutina, author's remark) at the CEC for his statements, but that she should not be hurt in order to file a lawsuit

Dodik apologized to CEC member. Avaz

E. T.

At today's press conference in East Sarajevo, Milorad Dodik apologized to Vanja Prutina-Bjelica, a member of the B&H Central Election Commission.

Dodik said that he apologizes to the "person in question" (Vanja Bjelica-Prutina, the author's remark) at the CEC for his statements, but that she should not be hurt in order to file a lawsuit.

- I treated her that way because the truth about her has political connotations. If she understood that it was individual, that it was an insult to her dignity, I apologize because I didn’t want to hurt her dignity. When I spoke about persons in the CEC, I never did it to them individually, but as political people. Being a member of the CEC is certainly a political thing - said Dodik.

He also announced that the SNSD would file lawsuits against all CEC members over the decision on Doboj and Srebrenica. He stated that those charges will be finalized next week. He said that in this case it is a matter of "thick abuse of position".