Nožica: There was a political hunt through the Court against our client

Throughout this whole procedure, objectively, they wanted to do some damage, great damage to one of the important institutions of B&H, and that is the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H, said Nožica

M. Aščić

Mehmedagić and Nožica after the verdict was made - Avaz
Mehmedagić and Nožica after the verdict was made - Avaz
Mehmedagić and Nožica after the verdict was made - Avaz
Mehmedagić and Nožica after the verdict was made - Avaz
Mehmedagić and Nožica after the verdict was made - Avaz

Senka Nožica, the lawyer of ISA director Osman Mehmedagić, gave a statement to the reporters after the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina acquitted the director of ISA.

- Throughout this whole procedure, objectively, they wanted to do some damage, great damage to one of the important institutions of B&H, and that is the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H. I must say that Judge Perić said absolutely everything. One war, one political hunt was fought here, through the Court against our client. Here the goal was to exclude him from his job. Judge Perić probably knows a little more than me about the interests of which political groups - said, among other things, Nožica.