Nikšić for "Avaz": I sincerely hope that this story about the import of the first 100,000 vaccines will not end like the one about the purchase of respirators

It is disgusting how much the government in B&H shows a lack of care and responsibility for the health of citizens

Nikšić: Time will show how realistic the procurement of all 500,000 vaccines is. Archive

F. Karalić

Commenting on the fact that Federal Government, under the pressure from the ad hoc commissions and the FB&H Parliament, managed to agree on the procurement of the vaccine in a few days, and after six months of delay, SDP leader Nermin Nikšić told „Avaz“ that it had already become disgusting how much the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina show a lack of feeling, responsibility and concern for the health of citizens.

Lack of courage

-Of course, the representatives of the same political parties are at the head of the Council of Ministers and the entity governments. However, this does not prevent the SNSD, SDA and HDZ from publicly arguing over who is responsible and why there are still no vaccines in Bosnia and Herzegovina, of course, except for those we received as alms. We had the opportunity to find out how Mr. Novalić (Fadil, op. cit.) as a citizen thinks that everything is too slow, but we do not know what he thinks as prime minister and how citizen Novalić would evaluate Prime Minister Novalić - says Nikšić.

He says it is unbelievable that the Council of Ministers and the entity governments cannot agree on measures to be introduced for the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

-The already proverbial lack of courage and responsibility in the Federal Government results in measures differing from canton to canton, which greatly reduces their effect despite the efforts of individual cantonal governments. . After ordering the Health Insurance Institute for two or three days to sign a contract for the supply of vaccines with two completely different suppliers, and since the director of the Health Insurance Institute did not do so, another supplier was found overnight,who apparently already has vaccines in the vaccine, to deliver 100,000 within three days, and it remains to be guessed what will happen to the remaining 400,000 - Nikšić wonders.

Mass vaccination

He points out that this is just a proof that the whole story about the law and the impossibility of procurement was not realistic.

- Time will show how realistic the procurement of all 500,000 vaccines is. I sincerely hope that this story will not end like the one about the purchase of respirators and that the speculations that have emerged as to where these 100,000 vaccines come from will not prove true.

At this moment, however, it is most important for that contingent of vaccines to come and for the mass vaccination of the population to finally start - Nikšić concludes.