Disciplinary lawsuits filed against Ranko Debevec and Gordana Tadić

Regarding the third point of the defendant Ranko Debevec, it is a matter of intentionally providing insufficient information to the HJPC on the property of the defendant abroad, through personal financial reports submitted to the Council

E. T.

Ranko Debevec and Gordana Tadić. Avaz

The Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC B&H) filed disciplinary lawsuits against Gordana Tadić, Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, and Ranko Debevec, President of the Court of B&H.

The lawsuit against the Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH Gordana Tadić was filed for disciplinary violations under Article 57 of the Law on the HJPC of B&H, as follows:

- count 8: "negligence or disregard in the performance of official duties"

- count 17: "failure, for unjustified reasons, to comply with decisions, orders or requests of the Council"

- count 22: "conduct in or outside the court or prosecutor's office which is detrimental to the reputation of the prosecutor's office."

Tadić: Ignoring the obligation and orders of the Council

The first point of the disciplinary lawsuit against the defendant Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H Gordana Tadić refers to the deliberate disregard of the obligation and order of the Council to assign prosecution cases to prosecutors through the automatic distribution system (ADS) during her term as Chief Prosecutor.

The second point concerns the failure to, as the head of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH, by applying the provisions of the Law on Protection of Classified Information, ensure the initiation of the procedure of personal security checks of the staff of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H handling classified information, as well as the Council's order that all judicial institutions in BiH implement all

With regard to the third point, the allegations refer to the damage to the reputation of the judiciary by an unfounded request for payment of claims related to the rent of her apartment.

Debevec: Inappropriate contact with the person against whom the proceedings are being conducted before the court he manages

The lawsuit against the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec was filed due to disciplinary violations under Article 56 of the Law on the HJPC of B&H, as follows:

- count 19: "intentionally providing false, misleading or insufficient information in connection with job applications, disciplinary matters, promotion or advancement matters or any other matters falling within the competence of the Council"

- count 22: "conduct in and outside of court which is detrimental to the reputation of the judicial office".

The first point of the disciplinary lawsuit against the defendant President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec refers to inappropriate contact with the person against whom the proceedings are being conducted before the court he manages.

The second point of the disciplinary lawsuit refers to the sending of comments of inappropriate content through communication with the prosecutor who is acting in the case in which the defendant is a participant in the proceedings.

With regard to the third point, it is a matter of intentionally providing insufficient information to the HJPC on the defendant's property abroad, through personal financial reports submitted to the Council.

The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel cannot comment on the ongoing proceedings and asks the media for understanding in this regard.

Please note that no one can be held disciplinary liable until his or her responsibility has been determined by final decisions of the disciplinary commissions.

The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel is committed to strengthening the accountability of the judiciary through the disciplinary responsibility of holders of all judicial functions, in order to ensure a responsible and efficient judicial system for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.