It is known why Nebojša Vukanović ended up detained with handcuffs

An SDS MP in the RS National Assembly was detained this morning in Trebinje

Nebojša Vukanović. Agencies

A. Ka. / Nezavisne

Nebojša Vukanović, SDS MP in the RS National Assembly, was arrested today in Trebinje.

Police added that more details will be known during the day.

Bojan Stević, the president of the District Court in Trebinje, confirmed that this morning he and Milan Bosić, the president of the Basic Court in Trebinje, were insulted by Vukanović, which is why the police arrested him.

- In front of the Palace of Justice in Trebinje, early this morning, while my colleague District Prosecutor Žarko Milić and I were in front of the building, Nebojša Vukanović met us and started insulting us. He told us that we were corrupt, that we were doing what the government ordered us to do, that we were being influenced by the mafia and that we should have been fired a long time ago, which we kept silent about. Only when I went on a break with my colleague, the President of the Basic Court Milan Bosić, and stopped by the garden of the Platani Hotel to have coffee, Nebojša Vukanović was there again, and was insulting us - Stević said for "Nezavisne".

Eyewitnesses in front of the Platani Hotel claim that Vukanović cursed them, and Stević did not want to give more details.

He says that this is not the first time that Vukanović confronts him and his colleagues and yells inappropriate words to them.