Nešić on the arrest of Vukanović: He did not sell the people's trust in order to earn the title of moron

Every minute that Nebojša Vukanović spends in detention should be considered pressure from the outgoing government, said Nenad Nešić

Nenad Nešić. Agencies

A. Ka.

After the Member of the National Assembly of the RS, Nebojša Vukanović, was arrested in Trebinje this morning, the President of the DNS, Nenad Nešić, also called for the immediate release of Nebojša Vukanović.

DNS President Nenad Nešić emphasized that Nebojša Vukanović is one of the few politicians who did not sell the trust given to him by the people in this B&H entity.

- Nebojša Vukanović is one of the rarer and more honest representatives of the people in the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska and he did not sell the people's trust in order to deserve the title of moron- said Nešić and added:

- If the police and the competent authorities do not find it necessary or are afraid to prosecute traders of the people's will and stand in the way of political corruption, then the people of Republic of Srpska with their opposition will consider every minute Nebojša Vukanović spends in detention as pressure from the outgoing government.

Nešić pointed out that changes in this entity are necessary.

- Changes are necessary and inevitable. Stop defying that fact and stop makeing Serbs and Republic of Srpska do something that the people do not agree with. We are one of the oldest nation-building peoples in Europe, and the policy has to be and will be democratic - concluded the president of the DNS, Nenad Nešić.