Who will go to court: The indictment in the "Memić" case is ready

For now, Alisa Mutap, her father Zijad, but also Hasan Dupovac, Josip Barić and Muamer Ožegović will be in court

Alisa Mutap: Arrested 15 days ago. Archive

Miralem Aščić

The Prosecutor's Office of B&H has prepared an indictment in the "Memić" case, which refers to the circumstances of the murder of young man Dženan Memić in February 2016 in Great Alley in Ilidža, "Avaz" has learned.

All done

The indictment should be forwarded to the Court of B&H for confirmation by July 20 at the latest.

According to the information that "Avaz" has, it is possible that the indictment will be raised by the end of next week, considering that the Prosecutor's Office has completed the main part of the indictment and specified who will be on the court room.

This is a case that the State Prosecutor's Office took over from the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office at the end of 2019.

We learn that for now, an indictment will be filed against Alisa Mutap, Dženan's ex-girlfriend who was with him at the scene of the accident, but also her father Zijad Mutap. Alisa Mutap, who was recently arrested, has claimed all these years that she does not remember anything because she had amnesia.

Dženan Memić: Killed in February 2016. Archive

Hasan Dupovac, former head of the Traffic Accident Department of the SC Ministry of the Interior, police officer Josip Barić and Muamer Ožegović, an employee of the „Crystal“ Hotel in Ilidža, will also be in court room.

All of them have been arrested and are in custody, and they are under investigation for the criminal offense of assisting the perpetrator after the criminal offense was committed, more precisely for concealing and destroying evidence.

The arrested police officers of the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies, Nedžad Hrvat and Nebojša Veljović, as we were told, will be witnesses.

Extended investigation

In this case, the investigation was extended to several more persons, and a total of 60 witnesses testified in the investigation, of which nine sought and received protection.

The Prosecutor's Office of B&H, which has seriously dealt with the case, does not intend to stop the arrests. In the next period, as we were told, new ones are expected. "Bigger fishes" are next, our sources claim.

Decision of the Supreme Court of FB&H

Ljubo and Bekrija Seferović were accused of causing a car accident in which Memić was seriously injured, but the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo acquitted them. However, the Supreme Court of the Federation of B&H has twice overturned the Cantonal Court's judgment and the proceedings are currently before the Supreme Court.