Feraget: We have proved that justice is achievable and this fight goes on

It has never happened that one procedure lasts five and a half years, and we already have a confirmed indictment in another procedure, says Feraget

Feraget: We move on. Avaz

M. Aš.

The lawyer of the Memić family, Ifet Feraget, said that he was fighting for a democratic state and that it was not clear to him why the Supreme Court of the Federation earlier revoked the acquittal of the Sarajevo Cantonal Court when it announced today that there was no evidence that the Seferovićs were guilty.

- It has never happened that one procedure lasts five and a half years, and we already have a confirmed indictment in another procedure. We have proved that justice is persistent but achievable and this struggle will continue. Thanks everyone. Let's move on - said Feraget.