Schmidt will not allow the borders of B&H to be redrawn under any circumstances

He reaffirms the unquestionable commitment of the PIC Steering Board to preserving the territorial integrity and fundamental structure of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a single, sovereign state consisting of two entities

Christian Schmidt. Archive

H. J. I. / Fena

The High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt emphasizes that under no circumstances will he allow the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be redrawn, whose territorial integrity is guaranteed by the General Framework Agreement for Peace and international law, the OHR spokesman Mario Brkić told FENA today answering a query about how the High Representative views the announcement by the B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik of Republic of Srpska's declaration of independence within six months, and what position the High Representative would take if Dodik decided to such a step, and whether he considers that an immediate response from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) is needed.

Brkić states that High Representative Schmidt reaffirms the unquestionable commitment of the PIC Steering Board to preserving the territorial integrity and fundamental structure of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a single, sovereign state consisting of two entities.

- He reminds that, according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, the entities have their constitutional position within the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, have no right to secede from Bosnia and Herzegovina and that they exist only on the basis of the B&H Constitution - said Brkić conveying Schmidt's message.