B&H politicians continued talks with Matthew Palmer

A meeting was held this morning at the residence of US Ambassador Eric Nelson, which was attended by, among others, Radončić, Sasa Magazinović and Peđa Kojović

M. Aš.

Magazinović, Radončić and Kojović: Meeting with Palmer. Avaz

B&H politicians continued talks today with Matthew Palmer, the US official in charge of reforming the B&H Election Law.

The US State Department's special envoy for electoral reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Palmer, arrived in Sarajevo the day before yesterday to help B&H make progress in electoral reforms.

This US official in charge of reforming the B&H Election Law also met with several political party leaders yesterday to discuss the need for electoral reform and improving the work of state institutions, including Dragan Čović leader of HDZ B&H, SBB president Fahrudin Radončić and, Elmedin Konaković, head of NiP.

A meeting was held at the residence of the American ambassador, Eric Nelson, this morning as well, which was attended by, among others, Radončić, Sasa Magazinović and Peđa Kojović.

Magazinović, Radončić and Kojović after the meeting with Palmer. E. Halimić