New scandal of the Court of B&H headed by Ranko Debevec: This is the reason why SIPA did not arrest Fikret Abdić

Instead of being brought before the Court where details need to be established, which is a well-known procedure and legal practice, the judge said not to bring him

Debevec and Abdić. Avaz

M. Aščić

Fikret Abdić, a convicted war criminal and the mayor of Velika Kladuša, was not arrested and brought before the Court of B&H yesterday, because the duty judge of this judicial institution informed the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) that Abdić should not be arrested and brought to this institution because, as a B&H citizen, he cannot be extradited to Croatia on an Interpol warrant!?

This is a new scandal of this judicial institution headed by Ranko Debevec.

Judge on duty

The information that SIPA did not arrest Abdić, at the request of Interpol, because the judge said that there were no grounds, was confirmed for the "Avaz" portal by Darko Ćulum, the director of SIPA.

- Abdić was not arrested because the judge on duty said that it had been determined that he was a citizen of B&H and that he could not be extradited to Croatia on a warrant. We called the judge on duty twice, we were told the same thing twice - Ćulum told us.

By the way, that is one of the reasons why there was confusion about Abdić's (non) arrest yesterday. Although the family filmed SIPA's entry into the family home, it was eventually said that he was neither arrested nor taken to the Banja Luka Office at all.

When asked whether the Court should determine the details of the request from the warrant at the court hearing, which is a well-known procedure and legal practice, Ćulum told us that "the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies has determined that Abdić has B&H citizenship and is now up to the Court. "

But whether Abdić will be arrested, Ćulum told us:

- Now everything is on hold.

Earlier cases

This is not the first time that the Court of B&H has made obvious mistakes in its steps. They recently refused to detain Milomir Savčić, indicted for war crimes in Srebrenica, at the suggestion of the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, after which he fled the country.

In addition, in the cases of the arrest warrant from Zagreb for the Mamić brothers, Zdravko and Zoran, the Court on several occasions determined at the hearing whether there was a legal obstacle to their extradition, regardless of their citizenship. The same was the case with the recent arrest of Vinko Martinović Štela. After his arrest, he was brought before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on a warrant from Zagreb, which was determining whether he could be extradited or not.