Germany concerned about China's alleged incursion into Taiwan's airspace

Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman calls on all sides not to do anything that could lead to destabilization

The German diplomat called on all sides "not to do anything that could lead to destabilization". AA

H. J. I./ AA

The German government on Monday expressed "great concern" over rising tensions between China and Taiwan after Taipei alleged that dozens of Chinese military aircraft had violated its air defense zone over the past four days.

- The federal (German) government views the growing tensions in the Taiwan Straits with great concern - Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesman Christofer Burger said at a regular press briefing in Berlin.

He warned that the military activities in the Strait of Taiwan "have the potential to negatively affect stability in the region."

The German diplomat called on all sides "not to do anything that could lead to destabilization."

Meanwhile, Burger said his country will stick to its "one-China policy." Any change in the status quo can only be done through peaceful means, the spokesman added.

China views the island nation of Taiwan as a “breakaway province,” while Taipei insists it has been independent since 1949.

Taipei has been maintaining diplomatic relations with at least 16 states, triggering Beijing's wrath.

While Sino-German ties have been overshadowed by what Berlin views as tensions over Beijing's human rights record and its increasingly belligerent regional military activities, Germany does enjoy a deep economic relationship with China and sees the Asian economic powerhouse as a partner on issues such as climate change.

However, pressure is mounting within Germany’s political establishment and among a growing skeptical civil society, as well as from the toughening stance of some of Berlin’s closest allies, notably the US, for a stronger rethink.