Why the HJPC is silent about the disciplinary decision against Ranko Debevec and what are they waiting for

Although he was in numerous scandals, inappropriate meetings, threats to prosecutors, journalists, Ranko Debevec, severely compromised President of the Court of B&H was only publicly warned

Debevec: He committed twice as serious offenses as Tadić. Avaz

M. Aš.

The Second Instance Disciplinary Commission of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC B&H) has made a decision in disciplinary proceedings against the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec.

Two weeks ago, this commission met and decided on the appeal of his lawyers, as well as the Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor. However, the HJPC has not yet announced the decision to the public.

- We would like to inform you that the public will be informed about the decision of the Second Instance Disciplinary Commission of the HJPC B&H in the mentioned disciplinary procedure after the parties in the procedure are informed about the decision - it was said for "Avaz" from this institution.

He took part in numerous affairs

We remind you that although he was in numerous scandals, inappropriate meetings, threats to prosecutors, journalists, Ranko Debevec, severely compromised President of the Court of B&H, was only publicly warned by the decision of the First Instance Disciplinary Commission of the HJPC in several disciplinary offenses.

One of them is inappropriate contact with Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, director of the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA), last year, on the day when the Prosecutor's Office of B&H filed a new indictment against Osmica in the "Security Checks" affair.

He is charged on the grounds that he sent a comment of inappropriate content to the prosecutor Vedrana Mijović, who is acting in the case in which the defendant is a participant in the proceedings.

He hid his property in Spain

Debevec was also accused of deliberately providing insufficient information on property abroad, ie Spain, since 2004, through personal financial reports submitted to the HJPC.

However, all this was insufficient to discipline him, which once again showed the HJPC double standards in disciplinary proceedings. While Gordana Tadić, the chief state prosecutor, was fined for lenient actions, Debevec is apparently being rescued by a team gathered around Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, the director of ISA.

By rescuing Ranko, Osmica saves himself. We learn that the HJPC is waiting for the deadline to expire by which Tadić must send a complaint to a third body, after which the decision will be made public on Friday morning. Most likely liberating.