Police arrests a MoI inspector and former Security Minister advisor Cvijetić

Searches are being conducted at 20 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

RS MoI inspector has also been arrested. Illustration

H. J. I. / Fena

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoI) of the entity of Republic of Srpska, in cooperation with SIPA, Tuzla Canton MoI and Sarajevo Canton MoI, in a grand-scale operation codenamed "Transporter", arrested nine persons, including an advisor to former Security Minister of B&H, Bojan Cvijetić.

The RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukač said that an RS MoI inspector has also been arrested.

- This morning, one of our inspectors was arrested, who was suspended earlier. Furthermore, according to the information we have, is that he won’t be the only one. We started to clean the garbage on our doorstep as people say -  Lukač said.

He called on other agencies to do the same, especially in the fight against drug trafficking.

- All officers of the Ministry of the Interior who have any connection in helping criminals, cooperating with them, or in any way participating in the commission of criminal offenses will be arrested. No one will be forgiven and nothing will be covered up. This way I tell them to prepare because we will find them. First, we want to clean our own doorstep, then the entire RS, because we have to fight against the most serious crimes, and that is certainly organized crime and drug abuse - said Lukač.

Searches are being conducted at 20 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The operation is carried out by orders of the Court of B&H and under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.