The "Memić" case: "Avaz" reveals the names of the policemen who are brought in for questioning

As we have learned, the police officers of the DCPB BiH Nebojša Veljović, Nedžad Hrvat, members of the Ilidža Police Administration Velibor Ristivojević and Elvedin Boja are in question

MUP SC: New hearings. Avaz

M. Aš.

New arrests are underway in the case of Dženan Memić, the "Avaz" portal has learned.

By order of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH, members of the SC MUP are detaining police officers from the SC Police Administration, as well as from the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies.

We are talking about several persons who are currently being brought to hearings.

As we have learned, the police officers of DCPB BiH Nebojša Veljović and Nedžad Hrvat are in question. They gave statements before. These are the police officers who were the first on the scene, on February 8th, 2016, when Dženan was found unconscious in Velika Aleja. Meanwhile, Veljović retired.

"Avaz" learns that members of the Ilidža Police Administration Velibor Ristivojević and Elvedin Boja are also being brought in.

Hearings are underway. Avaz

SC MUP members Jasmin Turčalo and Nemanja Janković are also targeted.

The testimony will also be given by a retired member of the SC MUP Ildahid Hebib. All of them, too, have previously given statements. Some were even arrested.

We remind you that the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued an order on Wednesday to conduct an investigation against Dalida Burzić, the former chief prosecutor of the SC Prosecutor's Office, as well as former commissioner Vahid Ćosić, then-prosecutor Meris Ćato, police officer Sakib Kremo, and expert witness Ševal Kovačević.