Radončić: The state took one billion and 600 million KM from the people, it should be returned by the New Year

It is necessary to ensure at least 200 marks of monthly long-term assistance for 150 thousand unemployed persons, underlined Radončić

SBB Press Center

A rally of SBB was held in Donji Vakuf - Avaz
Nermin Đindić, list holder for the BiH Parliament - Avaz
Adnan Jupić, holder of the SBB list for the State Parliament - Avaz
Kemal Duraković, holder of the list for the Federal Parliament - Avaz
Adnan Hozić, holder of the list for the SBK Assembly - Avaz

The president of the Savez za bolju budućnost BiH Fahrudin Radončić, spoke tonight at the pre-election rally in Donji Vakuf. Radončić called on the Prime Minister of the Federation of BiH, Fadil Novalić, to help the people in a difficult economic situation.

- The current government at the state level, composed of three national parties and the DF, as well as Prime Minister Novalić, in times of corona and now in a severe energy, financial and inflationary crisis, show absolute disregard for citizens and the economy. In particular, the Administration for Indirect Taxation of BiH announced the encouraging data that in the first eight months of the current year, it earned as much as 6 billion and 436 million KM, i.e. 20 percent more compared to the same period last year, when payments amounted to 5 billion and 363 million KM . Entity revenues will be 20 percent higher when that money is divided between them and the Brčko District - said Radončić.

Set aside a billion to survive the winter

At the same time, the Tax Administration of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina announced that in the period January-August 2022, taxpayers paid 4,189,215 KM of public revenue, which is 546,236 KM more than the same period in 2021, or a large increase of 15 percent.

- From this it follows that citizens and the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina increased their payments this year by as much as 1,619,236 KM. That is why citizens must know that there is more money than ever, as well as more irresponsibility towards the people than ever before. That's why the Savez za bolju budućnost BiH demands that Fadil Novalić urgently takes out one billion KM of free funds from his budget straw bag and pass them on to distressed citizens and businesses so that they can survive the winter, overpriced and missing energy sources,and to bear huge inflation a little easier - said Radončić.

Subsidize fuel

The leader of Savez za bolju budućnost BiH emphasized that Novalić must urgently, starting next week, propose a solution that by the end of the year, the Government of FBiH pays at least 100 KM to each recipient of the minimum pension or to issue a voucher in the amount of 100 KM per month to facilitate the payment of utilities expenses.

- If it is known that there are 300,000 pensioners, this package would amount to less than 100 million KM. Also, the harmonization of all other pensions in the Federation is inevitable, for which there is undoubtedly more than enough money. Citizens would also be helped if, in the absence of the will to abolish excise duty on fuel, the same is subsidized with 30 million marks per month, which amounts to at least 90 to 100 million KM by the New Year, thus reducing its price to the end consumer. It is necessary to ensure at least 200 marks per month of long-term assistance for 150 thousand unemployed persons, which in total amounts to about 100 million marks by the end of this year - said Radončić.

A rally of SBB was held in Donji Vakuf - Avaz
Dnevni avaz
Dnevni avaz
Dnevni avaz
Dnevni avaz

In a catastrophic economic crisis, the FBiH Government must pay special attention to relieving the economy, we are among the first in the infamous record of burdening the economy with various duties and parafiscal levies.

- In the entire package of economic aid, all financially discriminated civil servants must finally receive adequate treatment, regardless of whether they are our impoverished policemen, educators, miners or people employed in the private sector - Radončić told the gathered citizens.

Minimum pension of 1.000 KM

Radončić said that the new government must make it possible for the minimum pension to be 1.000 KM, and that the incomes of other pensioners and employees in the private and public sector must grow, at least with the growth of the inflation rate.

- To conclude, if the government took more than 1.6 billion KM from the citizens and the economy in eight months, in the next three months, i.e. in October, November and December of this year, that is, until January 1st, 2023, it must return to the people and economy at least one billion - said the leader of Savez za bolju budućnost BiH.

At the end of the meeting, Radončić tasked the ministers from SBB to formalize these requests and put them on the agenda at the next session, for consideration and urgent adoption.

Nermin Đindić, federal minister of energy, mining and industry, Adnan Jupić, list holder of Savez za bolju budućnost BiH for the State Parliament, Kemal Duraković, list holder for the Federal Parliament, Rusmir Mlinarević, candidate for the Federal Parliament, Adnan Hozić, holder of the list for the SBK Assembly, and Lejla Hadžiavdić-Zjajo, president of the SBB Municipal Board Donji Vakuf also spoke at the rally.