OSCE and ODIHR course stresses importance of human rights in counter-terrorism investigations in BiH

An ODIHR human rights and counter-terrorism expert and a former police officer from Northern Ireland will deliver the course

Training will last for two days. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

The OSCE Mission to BiH and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), in co-operation with the FBiH Centre for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors, launched today a two-day training for judicial officials and members of law enforcement on the protection of human rights in counter-terrorism investigations.

Intelligence and information gathering

An ODIHR human rights and counter-terrorism expert and a former police officer from Northern Ireland will deliver the course for fellow experts from the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, the State Investigation and Protection Agency, the Court of BiH, and the BiH Ministry of Security.

Drawing on the OSCE/ODIHR manual, Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism Investigations, the training will provide participants with an opportunity to examine human rights considerations and safeguards related to intelligence and information gathering and analysis, special investigation techniques, arrest and detention, searches, and interview techniques.

The OSCE views security as anchored in respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, and the preservation of peace requires the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Respect for human rights

- Respect for human rights is essential in terms of the prevention of terrorism, as human rights violations can drive terrorism; deepen alienation, isolation, and exclusion; and lead individuals to violent radicalization. Respect for human rights also increases the effectiveness of counter-terrorism investigations - said Rebecca Agule, Head of the Rule of Law Section at the OSCE Mission to BiH.

This training is part of the wider efforts of the OSCE Mission to BiH to support institutions in BiH to strengthen the rule of law, including by ensuring respect for human rights and improving the investigation of terrorism, announced the OSCE Mission to BiH.