H5N117.7.2023Dozens of cats in Poland had bird flu but the risk to people is low, the UN health agency says
ASIA PACIFIC18.11.2021Uzbekistan restricts people from several Mideast states from air travel to Belarus
POLITICS11.11.2021Putin, Merkel hold 2nd phone talk in 2 days about migration crisis on Belarusian-Polish border
H5N1Dozens of cats in Poland had bird flu but the risk to people is low, the UN health agency says17.7.2023
ASIA PACIFICUzbekistan restricts people from several Mideast states from air travel to Belarus18.11.2021
POLITICSPutin, Merkel hold 2nd phone talk in 2 days about migration crisis on Belarusian-Polish border11.11.2021