Novalić: We will work 24 hrs. a day until we secure vaccines for FB&H citizens

The problem arose, as it was reported on Saturday, due to great media and political pressure on suppliers

Novalić: Since last Friday, when the problems with the selected suppliers started, we have been trying to find a solution. Archive

H. J. I. / Fena

Director of the FB&H Institute of Health, Davor Pehar, has not signed contracts for the supply of vaccines with the companies MGM Farm Kakanj and Krajinagroup, because these companies, although they sent bids for procurement, did not submit contracts.

The problem arose, as it was reported on Saturday, due to great media and political pressure on suppliers.

As one of them unofficially confirmed to the media, from the moment it was announced that they would be one of the suppliers, they were exposed to numerous calls from journalists accusing them of using the difficult situation to make money off the citizens of FB&H, that vaccines can be purchased at much lower prices, that the Federation of B&H should not procure Russian vaccines ... which is why they decided to give up, while others were exposed to political pressure.

The office of the Prime Minister of the FB&H Government confirmed to FENA that the Institute did not sign contracts with two selected suppliers.

-Since last Friday, when the problems with the selected suppliers started, we have been trying to find a solution. During the weekend, together with the representatives of the Institute, we had meetings with the officials from the Chinese embassy, ​​talks with suppliers from Belgium, Sweden, and we were contacted by some other domestic companies that want to get involved in procurement. We are more than aware of the difficult situation and we are trying in every way to find a solution. We worked all weekend and we will work 24 hours a day until we provide vaccines for the citizens of the Federation of B&H- said Prime Minister Fadil Novalić.

A meeting of the Ad hoc team is scheduled for 1 PM today in order to urgently review the subsequently submitted bids and make decisions on further action.