SIPA submitted a report to the Sarajevo Prosecutor's Office on the proceedings at the Clinical Center

The report was submitted on April 9th, along with attachments to the SC Prosecutor's Office and the Sarajevo Municipal Court, Miladinović told us

KCUS: SIPA acted on the orders of the SC Prosecutor's Office. Radio Sarajevo

M. Aščić

Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of B&H (SIPA) submitted a report on the measures and actions taken in connection with the proceedings at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo (KCUS), headed by Sebija Izetbegović, wife of Bakir Izetbegović, SDA leader.

We remind you that, by order of the Municipal Court and the Prosecutor's Office of Sarajevo Canton, SIPA members last week seized documentation on respirators that Bakir's Fadil Novalić (SDA) procured through the company of Fikret Hodžić and his "Srebrena malina". Apart from KCUS, the documentation was also exempted from the "Verlab" laboratory and the Federal Civil Protection Administration (FCPA).

Earlier, the letter of the anesthesiologist from KCUS, which was sent to the Management of this medical institution, was excluded.

A letter from doctors

According to Luka Miladinović, SIPA spokesman, the report was submitted together with the attachments to the SC Prosecutor's Office and the Sarajevo Municipal Court, according to which they acted.

- The report was sent on April 9th - Miladinović told us.

According to Avaz, a part of the documentation was handed over yesterday as well.

These activities were initiated after a letter from doctors appeared in public, which spoke about the catastrophic situation at KCUS and stated that "Srebrena malina" respirators cannot be used to treat COVID patients.

KCUS: SIPA seized the documentation last week. Avaz

A few days ago, state and cantonal prosecutors were at KCUS, as well as inspectors from the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and inspectors from the Federal Inspectorate.

As far as KCUS is concerned, SIPA, on the order of the prosecutor, seized documents on respirators that were put into operation in COVID wards, according to whose instructions, how many are in order now and which of them are not working. These are 30 respirators, which were obtained and requested by this medical institution.

All contracts

According to the information that "Avaz" has, SIPA took out three registers from "Verlab", in which all work orders, measurement reports, the contract between FCPA and "Verlab", as well as certificates for all respirators verified so far.

It’s the same with FCPA. Contracts with "Verlab" were revoked, as well as the original documentation related to the distribution, installation and verification processes of the ACM812A respirators.