ISA Director Osman Mehmedagić arrived at the Court of B&H

Prosecution requests that acquittal in "Footage" affair to either be revoked or to start new trial before B&H Court of Appeals

Miralem Aščić

Arrival of Mehmedagić in the Court of B&H - Avaz
Arrival of Mehmedagić in the Court of B&H - Avaz
Arrival of Mehmedagić in the Court of B&H - Avaz
Arrival of Mehmedagić in the Court of B&H - Avaz
Arrival of Mehmedagić in the Court of B&H - Avaz

An appeal session will be held before the Appellate Chamber of the Court of B&H today in the case against Osman Mehmedagić, director of the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA), and Muhamed Pekić, an employee of this agency, who were acquitted of abuse of office.

According to the indictment, in August 2020, they obtained a surveillance footage from "BH Post" and revealed the identity of the sender of the anonymous report against the director of ISA, but the Court of B&H acquitted them of the charges of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

However, the Prosecution appealed, requesting that the acquittal be either revoked or a new trial ordered before the Appellate Chamber of the Court of B&H.

After learning in an unspecified manner that a criminal complaint had been filed against Mehmedagić and sent by mail, Pekić and Mehmedagić obtained a photograph of the envelope of the incoming shipment with the BH Post sticker with the exact recorded postal number and time of receipt of the shipment, so, in violation of the provisions of the Law on ISA B&H and the Law on Protection of Classified Data of B&H, together in mutual agreement they decided to take operational measures and actions in order to establish the identity of the sender of the anonymous criminal report, the indictment reads.

The Prosecution alleges that in taking these actions they were not guided by the interests of their service, but exclusively by the personal and private interests of the accused Mehmedagić, so Pekić, by exceeding his authority in the service for reasons and motives known to him, undertook an obviously illegal act of gathering intelligence that is not from the work of the ISA circle.